Your Resource for Towns in Northern New Jersey
Your Resource for Towns in Northern New Jersey

Korean Book Club

Date and Time
Date / Time
Tue, Sep 10, 2024
11:15 AM to 12:45 PM
Paramus Public Library
116 E. Century Rd
Paramus, NJ, 07652
Free Event
Cultural, Literature/Poetry
Korean Book Club

인생 by 위화

Sep 10, 11:15-12:45 pm

Welcome! Join the Korean Novel Book Club led by Crystal Lee, author and translator. Meet new friends as we read and discuss Korean novels together in Korean. We're excited to have all participants on board! Let's read and discuss together. This program is for people over the age of 18. Registration begins on May 14. Register through www.paramuslibrary.org.

환영합니다! 이수정 작가가 이끄는 한국 소설 독서 모임에 초대합니다. 함께 한글 소설을 읽고, 한국 말로 토론하고 새로운 친구들도 만나보세요 . 모든 참여자들을 기다리고 있습니다.

이수정 작가 / 재외동포문학상 대상 / 영남일보 신춘문예 당선 / <내편, 돼줄래요?> 저자

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