Your Resource for Towns in Northern New Jersey
Your Resource for Towns in Northern New Jersey

JAM on the GREEN (ongoing - no RSVP) - COME OUT AND PLAY!!!

Date and Time
Date / Time
Wed, Sep 11, 2024
7:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Morristown Green
N Park Place
Morristown, NJ, 07960
Morristown Uke Jam
JAM on the GREEN (ongoing - no RSVP) - COME OUT AND PLAY!!!

We're back on the MORRISTOWN GREEN! Yes, as we have every warm Wednesday for several years now, we'll be playing and singing on the Green for all to enjoy - especially us, of course.

There's no agenda, and the only plan is to have fun. Bring a uke (or 3), bring music (or don't), bring friends (or come make some). If you want to lead a song bring a couple of extra copies - or we’ll just crowd tightly around yours. Or choose a jam song you know, where you can just say "it's C, F & G" and we'll all play along while you sing.

Chaos and anarchy are possible. Fun is guaranteed.

We'll meet on the west side, where there's a semi-circle of benches. We'll play for the homeless, the dog-walkers, the toddler-walkers, the drug dealers and the lovers. And of course we'll play for each other, so COME OUT AND PLAY!

Final note: No RSVPs for these gatherings. They aren't even "events" - we're just jamming on the Green. No need to inform anyone if you're coming or not, and certainly no need to apologize or make excuses if you bail at the last minute. This is a "no guilt" activity; just come join us if you want to!

Later final note: It won't rain, so don't worry about that. (It doesn't rain on the Green on Wednesday evenings. Trust me.)

Absolutely finalest note: While you can think of this as a ukulele gathering (and it certainly is, as there will always be ukes there), this is the GREEN - and everything musical is always welcome on the Green. So if you have friends or partners who play guitar, zither or djembe, please encourage them to bring their instruments of choice and come along.

One more note (I lied, so sue me): I’ll usually arrive around 6, and others come in dribs as they're available. Usually a few stay until 9 or later.