Your Resource for Towns in Northern New Jersey
Your Resource for Towns in Northern New Jersey

Pre-Thanksgiving Gobble, Gobble Hike & Party in Millburn, NJ

Date and Time
Date / Time
Sun, Nov 24, 2024
10:15 AM to 1:45 PM
Locust Grove Parking Lot
Millburn, NJ
Hike Morristown with FreeWalkers
Nature, Fitness & Exercise
Pre-Thanksgiving Gobble, Gobble Hike & Party in Millburn, NJ
**Start: Locust Grove Parking lot**
**Finish: Locust Grove Parking Lot**
**Meet at 10:15 am.**
**Distance:** 5-6 miles (dependent on weather and trail conditions).
**Terrain:** hiking trails, some elevation. Moderate 2-2.5 mph pace through the woods.
**Transit:** NJ Transit to Millburn
**Difficulty:** Moderate. I will have a few hiking poles available to share.Please be able to walk narrow trails and some hills.
**Category:** nature, history, scenic, and group party in Millburn - details to follow via email at a later date.
**Coordinator:** Risa Olinsky: Maplewood resident who LOVES THE RESERVATION!

[Register for FREE to attend.](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/pre-thanksgiving-gobble-gobble-hike-party-in-millburn-nj-tickets-857325041277?aff=ebdsoporgprofile)

**Directions:** Locust Grove is located on Glen Ave across the sreet from the NJ Transit/ Millburn station. There is parking in the lot, or you can park free at the train station and walk across the street to the meeting spot. Port-o-Johns in the park as well.
**Holiday Spirit!** Each year at Gobble, Gobble we like to do somethig special to support the community. Again, this year we will collect old coats for all ages, children through adults. Bring your coats to the walk and drop them in my car and I will deliver them to The GenWealth Financial Group for donation. Bring a coat, to help keep someone warm.
**For safety and comfort:** Dress for warmth (layers suggested) Hiking shoes/boots. Trails can be muddy and rocky in some areas. Hiking poles are helpful; not required. If you're coming from NYC there is the mid-town direct train to Millburn that leaves NY Penn Station at 9:11 am to arrive in Millburn at 9:56.
**Children (who can walk the distance) welcome with parent/guardians. NO strollers, bicycles, or other wheels.**
**Leader: Risa Olinsky** - **FreeWalkers President**, Author of **WHY WALK**
Contact information. info@freewalkers.org, 201-618-5582.