Your Resource for Towns in Northern New Jersey
Your Resource for Towns in Northern New Jersey

Grief Circle

Date and Time
Date / Time
Sun, Sep 8, 2024
2:30 PM to 5:00 PM
YogaRenew Hoboken
12 Hudson Place 2nd Floor
Hoboken, NJ, 07030
$60.00 to $63.97
YogaRenew Hoboken
Grief Circle

Join us for an evening of honoring your grief through community. Grief is a unique, complicated process with no end date. The loneliness that comes with loss and grief is palpable, real and many times misunderstood in our society. We believe deeply in the healing power of witnessing and holding space for grief through community and connection. While our specific experience with grief is unique to all of us, our pain is never our own. Whether you are grieving the loss of a loved one, a relationship or a major life transition - all forms of grief are welcome in this circle.

Our circle will consist of journaling, breathwork, sound meditation and collective processing. The type of breathwork we will be working with is a 3 part active meditation that helps release stuck energy in the body such as tension, stress and trauma. This breathwork can help you clear physical & emotional blocks, facilitate a cathartic release, and cultivate deeper self love.

Katie and Lindsay both have their own personal experience with grief. Katie is a certified reiki practitioner and breathwork practitioner. 6 years ago, Katie went through a time of deep loss in her personal life and that time is what ultimately led her to the path of teaching. She believes so deeply in the power of both reiki & breathwork as healing modalities for grief because of the profound impact they have had on her own journey with grief and loss.

Lindsay is a reiki master and meditation teacher with an extensive background and training in trauma informed yoga, working with individuals on their healing journey. As a guide, she’s found sound meditation, along with the medicine of community, to be the most impactful in helping others process and hold their grief.

We’re asking each member of the circle to bring a personal representation of their grief (i.e. a photo, painting, article of clothing, crystal, etc.) for our collective altar to honor our sacred circle and processing.

Please feel free to reach out to Katie (katie@yogarenew.com) or Lindsay (lindsay@yogarenew.com) with any questions.