Your Resource for Towns in Northern New Jersey
Your Resource for Towns in Northern New Jersey

5 miles at Turtle Back Rock, Orange Trail & Hemlock Falls at South Mountain

Date and Time
Date / Time
Sun, Oct 6, 2024
9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Turtle Back Rock Parking
142 Walker Road
West Orange, NJ
Hiking, Biking, Camping & Music
Nature, Fitness & Exercise
5 miles at Turtle Back Rock, Orange Trail & Hemlock Falls at South Mountain
5 mile hike out of Turtle Back Rock parking lot. We will walk to see Turtle Back Rock and Hemlock Falls taking the steps to cross over the top of the falls. This route has rocks, roots, some mild elevation and a water crossing.

Note we are leaving from Turtle Back rock picnic area. Turtle Back Rock parking area: 142 Walker Road West Orange.

Bring boots, water, hiking poles, etc. Rain cancels.

\*\*Note\*\* We hike at a moderate pace, and never leave anyone behind. Our hikes are not suitable for fast hikers who like to forge ahead of the group.

\*\*To join our hikes, you must enable Meetup messaging with organizers (see "New to hiking" link below), and must post a profile image that can be used to recognize you. If you do not, you may be removed from Going list.

\*\*By signing up for this event you are acknowledging that you have read and accepted the posted HBCM legal disclaimer: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/llze3pmz7s9qj96oq45rn/HBCM-Legal-Disclaimer.pdf?rlkey=9qlptpwyp8krif2g93y6k92tp&dl=0

\*\*HBCM policies to discourage "repeat no-shows" and/or "repeat late-cancels" (canceling <48 hours before hike): https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/bijkvndkauh65m07yejso/HBCM-Policies.pdf?rlkey=368n3eo3xw6o5iysip0it345u&dl=0
\*\* New to hiking or Meetup? Try: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/63b94l4suja3mc16lvdgg/New-Hiker-Guide.pdf?rlkey=4ls1ab4ccppjqtgnxnmt54xv1&dl=0