5.8 miles with 768 ft. of elevation gain. Beautiful hike with some rocky terrain. There may be a water crossing, so poles and proper footwear are suggested. We will meet at the Locust Grove parking area 10 minutes before start time. I'm unsure about facilities.
Bring plenty of water and snacks, and appropriate seasonal items (sun- and insect-protection in summer, and crampons in winter). Day-of-hike phone: 9086012793. **Note** We hike at a moderate pace, and never leave anyone behind. **By signing up for this event you are acknowledging that you have read and accepted the posted HBCM legal disclaimer: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/llze3pmz7s9qj96oq45rn/HBCM-Legal-Disclaimer.pdf?rlkey=9qlptpwyp8krif2g93y6k92tp&dl=0