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Newark Mayor Ras J. Baraka’s Statement on Turmoil In Israel And Gaza

Posted Mon, Oct 16, 2023, From City of Newark
“The escalation of violence and inhumanity in Gaza and Israel is something the world has not witnessed in a long time. Here in Newark, we are working hard to develop systems that eradicate violence, diminish retaliation, and treat trauma as public health. Our city prides itself on its diversity. We have Muslims and Christians alike. Jewish communities and Palestinian. Together, we worship here, do business here, and are proud to call it home.

“Newark stands with and prays for families on every side who have lost loved ones and are being traumatized daily by the horrific things the world is watching. And while people are being pulled apart around the globe, we want those who choose Newark as their home to continue to feel safe here — physically and emotionally. We want them to feel free to worship as they choose and be comfortable in who they are.

“We urge all those who love peace and justice to oppose attacks on innocent civilians as a way to solve conflict. We stand against the kidnapping and murder of unarmed civilians in Israel by Hamas and we reject the indiscriminate bombing of densely populated areas and the deliberate cutting off food, water and electricity to millions of residents — resulting in the deaths of innocent men, women and children.

“Furthermore, we condemn using this conflict as an opportunity to target the Jewish community and further escalate anti-Semitism, or using it to fan the flames of rising Islamophobia and blame Palestinians and all Muslims for the acts of a few extremists.

“All of this is wrong.

“We, who believe in democracy, and love humanity and freedom, know that what we are witnessing undermines any effort towards supporting those values.”
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