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Your Resource for Towns in Northern New Jersey

2024 Overnight Parking Permits for Parking Lots

Posted Wed, Aug 16, 2023, From Town of Kearny
The Town of Kearny will again hold a lottery system to issue 2024 overnight parking permits for the following parking lots:
  • American Legion/VFW
  • Brighton Ave. Playground
  • Chestnut St. (behind Mandees)
  • Dowd Playground
  • Mandee*
  • Police Substation*
  • Provident Bank
  • 101 Kearny Ave. (formerly Sopranos)*
  • 60 Passaic Ave.

2024 Overnight Parking Permit Rates
  • Passenger Vehicles – $125.00
  • Commercial Vehicles* – $250.00
  • Business Permits (daytime) – $525.00

Lottery entry forms are available at Town Hall or can be downloaded from the town’s website www.kean1ynj.org. Completed entry forms may be left in the dropbox located at the front entrance of Town Hall, or mailed to: Clerk’s Office, Town of Kearny, 402 Kearny A venue, Kearny, NJ 07032. Emailed forms will not be accepted. Mailed entries must be postmarked no later than September 22, 2023. Entries received after September 22 forfeit the right to be included in the lottery drawing.

The lottery drawing for overnight parking spaces will be held on Thursday, September 28, 2023, beginning at 10:00 a.m. via a “Zoom” Webinar. Please visit https://zoom.us/download to download the app onto a computer or mobile device and use the following Webinar ID: 837 9194 2312. Alternatively, you can also select the following link and view the Webinar via Video Conference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83791942312. Applicants need not be present for the drawing.

Winners will be notified by either phone or email within 10 days of the drawing and are subject to eligibility requirements as defined by Town Code Section 7-33 All applications will be reviewed to ensure that winners do not have access to a driveway on the tax lot in which they reside.

*Commercial vehicles permitted only in lots designated with an asterisk(*)
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